Tag Archives: walking

Why Basketball Sneakers are Hot for Walking

Not for long arduous walks across the citytown — for that we’d opt for some leather and cork trekreadies — but for a nice most-of-everyday cross-trainer/errand runner (pick your favorite exercise) — you can do far worse than the modern basketball sneaker. Pick your favorite sneak company, better yet buy one you haven’t tried before. The heavy padding, the pull-tab tongue/heel, the rounded outsole (which we like to imagine are amalgamations of our human sole <analytics> they often are); they’ve come a long way baby. We don’t even play (unless you count NBA Jam), but love to watch and listen. Pro ballers have to sprint, stop-on-dimes, and leap — putting amounts of abuse of the knees — that means for an average Android10-using Jane or Joe that likes to do the walk-thing and perhaps a little dancercise — hoops shoes are better than running shoes. Mainly because they feature flatter toe spring , but also you get superior jumpability in lateral directions while runners primarily favor forwardness. De-fense. Mine sure helped me a couple times bounce over puddles and hop out of the way of myriad various micro mobility vehicles that infest the city streets and sidewalks nowadays. Baseball players wear B-ball kicks sometimes in spring training, and they’d certainly be suitable for something like kickboxing practice or weightlifting.

To all my #over40 sneaker enthusiasts whose interest in B-ball kicks may have peaked some time last millennium — new designs flat out have potential to leave last century’s decade’s stompers in the dust. They used to hoop in Chucks ya know. New offerings of the past 2 to 4 years have evolved in design and no category is more on the come-up than womens’.  Companies like UA, Puma and others are showing data that proves simply shrinking a ‘male’ shoe is not good enough. There’s more variation in the average shape of a female foot. WNBA players are getting fresher deals and signature models. If you haven’t been to a specialty shoe store since forever, no matter your age or sex, go on then (only so many pictures you can zoom in on online). High-top, low-top (love us a good mid-top), imagine Harrison Ford’s voice as Han or Indy — trust me — if you don’t already know. Try some new school basketball sneakers. For walking. You can show a shoe dog new kicks. Dreams may come true. Congratulations to the Celtics on the Atlantic conference win. It was a fun season. Walk well all. Have a potato chip. Be on-guard for the 3 (wheelers on the sidewalk).

Advanced Walking Technique #7: Orbiting

Orbiting is when you arrive near your destination, then take a little walk around the block or area before your appointment or task. “Around” may be imagined in the loosest form, so zig-zagging circuitous routes count too. Orbiting gives one a chance to collect thoughts, gather info (such as where to get a ginger ale) and prepare for spaceship-like landings.

See more Advanced Walking Techniques

Toughening Up Your Shoe Game

Are you running things, or slipping up?

Ideally our roads are never rocky, but to be unprepared for life’s gravel and pebbles due to making poor footwear choices is indefensible. Just in case you’re the type to bring a flip-flop to a boot fight, read on. 

Standing in a long line (such as to vote), going on a march, preparing for a wildfire or earthquake-related evacuation, running for what you think could be your life after several manhole covers erupt sending flames over the street— these are a few situations where you want to be wearing solid shoes. Did you hear about the Global Citizen music fest in Central Park a couple years ago— where thousands of revelers ran every which way after a falling fence was thought to be a gunshot? We’ve been seeing what people have been wearing at some of these protests. In 2020, whenever you leave home you should think about roadblocks and emergency situations where your shoe game should be much stronger than it looks from our stoop. 

When going to a conference, activist march, or something geo-political in nature where there could be crowds and unfamiliar territory, you should choose footwear carefully. Even if you don’t expect hostile environments— parades, nature hikes, music fests (we really miss those), plain old long days can turn into nightmares if you’re walking around in pathetic shoes. At minimum you’re risking daily comfort which can slow drip into a bad mood. You’ll be one of those I-need-to-go-back-to-the-hotel whiners on vacay. At maximum you’re failing to plan in case of emergency — sacrificing the mission whatever yours may be. No one writes “walk through kilometers of wet grass and gravel” on their daily planner. 


Keep sandals, flip-flops, slides — things that expose a majority of your feet — as house shoes. If you’re going to a march, conference or show and may be bus/train-traveling to another city or town— don’t be the sap wearing the aforementioned shower shoes.
By now, every workplace (sadly) has active-shooter instructions which explicitly have “fight back” as a final option. If you can’t stomp a mudhole in somebody’s ass with them, you are an ass for wearing them! I once had a good footwear discussion with a woman who just got off the subway after witnessing a sociopathic bullying incident. We agreed there’s no sense in walking around ANY city street or stepping onto public transportation with something like flip-flops. Violence is bad yes, but you need to be ready at all times to run for your life if violence occurs or kick a criminal in the crotch if you’re an unwitting first responder. Flip-flops say ‘mess with me’, boots say ‘don’t‘. 


Keep your shoes tied when you’re on the move or you risk getting sicker, easier, quicker— entirely possibly—it’s important that they don’t touch the ground while walking. Through trace amounts of animal feces and bird dung on the ground “in the world” the diarrhea causing bacteria C. difficile “C-Diff” can travel from the bottoms of our shoes into the human body. It’s a safeguard against joining the feeling-sick club. If you must do the effortless swag thing— make sure the laces don’t touch the ground— especially walking around densely populated areas. There are plenty of stylish ways to lace your shoes. You can even buy a pair of shorter length laces than what came stock on your kicks. If the ship hits the fan and you have to run and your shoe falls off — you are a loser in the true sense of the word.


Unless you’re doing ballet or sauntering indoors — duck those flats. They offer little-to-no support or shielding. Even the name is weak. “Flats”. That they’re an alternative to heels does not mean they’re good for rocky roads or sketchy streets. There are plenty of what your mother would call feminine shoes that are suitable for work and formal situations despite what weakling fashion sites tell you.  Get some footwear with laces and an anatomical footbed to support your dual anacondas. When I see women trucking the streets of Manhattan in what are essentially slippers, I can almost hear her pinky toes crying out. There can be contractual stipulations on what type of footwear is acceptable for women in the workplace, but in 2020 we bet you can find a happy medium. Tell your boss Popdiatry gave you permission to wear shoes with laces or another suitable enclosure system. Nothing says “I fought the power, and the power won” like wearing flats in a revolutionary atmosphere. You’re not a cheap plastic doll. Get some real shoes.



Socks absorb moisture from your sweaty-ass feet, aid your footwears’ lifespan, and offer a courtesy layer if you’re asked to remove your shoes at a friend’s place. Darn Tough hikers, Wrightsock runners, bodega cheapos, “no-shows”, tube socks- get some freaking socks sis/bro or you don’t belong in this disco. In times of chill barefoot is great for sand and grass, but out of respect and common sense, if you’re going to be trooping to unknown territory — see what’s out there and invest in stockings. The friend referenced in the first sentence might be savvy enough to choose friends wiser and sockless birdbrains might never get a chance to make a first impression.  

Advanced Walking Technique #5 : Full-stopping

Elite walkers are in tune with those around them and know when it’s best to let parties go by. Full stop. Sometimes it makes sense to do a freeze and keep another walker’s lane open. The smoothest full-stoppers continue unbothered, losing only measly seconds for the good of crowd fluidity. When approaching points where we’ll have to stop anyway (street crossings, elevator banks, stair entrances), try decelerating while avoiding impeding anybody. Is someone very young or very old or differently-abled crossing? We can use full-stops to take a breath, look ahead (the next intersection/next road/next floor) and set good examples at crowded multidirectional intersections. 

Read more A.W.T.s on Popdiatry 

Advanced Walking Technique #4 : Structure-hugging

We’ve all done this one. Structure-hugging is when you walk close to a building or something to avoid getting more wet from a storm. The technique is certainly a wildcard dependent on wind-direction and variety of precipitation. We just had a wet nor’easter in the northeast Friday, and I did a little structure-hugging myself. I didn’t want to carry an umbrella- it was a short walk to the subway so..

This technique comes with its own challenges. Structure-hugging walkers must be mindful of opening doors from said structures, and some buildings are going to drip even more than what the sky is giving- defeating the whole mission. Advanced walkers can usually spot another guinea pig trying it ahead and gauge efficacy accordingly.

Check out more advanced walking techniques from Popdiatry 

Advanced Walking Technique #3 : Side-gliding

Side-gliding is when you turn your torso sideways to avoid bumping others. It’s very useful on walkways with limited width and anywhere there’s a crowd. I often side-glide through grocery store isles, and the technique is virtually necessary when walking on a crowded subway car or platform.

A great cinematic example of this action is demonstrated in the film Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins, or (for younger readers) The Matrix– where the hero employs a side-glide technique in order to dodge bullets (though we do not recommend extending your arms like Neo). 

Dodging other walkers is certainly easier than dodging bullets, and we suspect many of you have been side-gliding through throngs for years. Mastery of the technique is not only a polite exercise of human mobility- but at most can reduce chances of becoming involved in a street fight.

Read more Advanced Walking Techniques on Popdiatry 

Advanced Walking Techniques: Introduction

Fashioned on the crisscrossed jaywalker-friendly streets of Boston Massachusetts, and refined on the overcrowded walkways and platforms of New York City, I bring to you a new feature:

Advanced Walking Techniques

These techniques will assist with proficient movement among earthlings on a variety of terrains using your two feet and one brain.

A few fundamentals to keep in mind while walking

  • Try to never be in a rush. Rushing increases chances of falling, bumping and other bumbling moves that advanced walkers avoid.
  • Don’t wear sandals, flip-flops or other open-toed footwear when walking city streets. Closed, secure footwear offers superior support and protection from pebbles, germs and other comfort invaders including the dreaded “flat tire” if someone (a walking amateur) mistakenly steps on the back of your foot.
  • “Pull-over” when checking your phone. If it’s important enough to check (a text, a map), it deserves full attention. People walking behind you will appreciate it, and you’ll decrease chances of a walking accident.
  • Keep your eyes on the road. Remember to glance down every so often as walkways can often feature animal excrement, gum and other day-ruiners.

December Popgallery


They have a lot of Auntie Anne’s pretzel outposts at the Cherry Hill Mall in New Jersey. There was also a Vans store, where I was able to get this checkered stocking pic to lead off this month’s Pop-gallery.



 Drillbit heels in the deadpile outside East Village Shoe Repair in Brooklyn.


Dec2SneakerPawnBWAY            Sneaker specific pawn spots, like this one on Broadway..



Original Dexter made in USA shoesHere’s one I wish I had when I wrote about Dexter brand shoes last summer. I discovered my grandmother had a swell pair of classic made-in-USA Dexters in her closet.



Staying hydrated during long walks is important, and sometimes you’re going to want something other than plain water. Everyone has their favorite thing at Philadelphia’s bustling Reading Terminal Market eatery. I declare this as my favorite drink there: the Victory Thirst Quencher- a standout from the wonderful selection of fresh drinks at Lanc. Co. Dairy .

Off The Path: FRIGO Revolution Underwear

At a Manhattan pop-up last December, the friendly folks at Frigo were kind enough to flow me a pair of FRIGO 2 boxer briefs. We agreed that along with footwear, good underwear is a key ingredient for great walking. The Frigo 2s are 92% polyamide & 8% elastane (feels like spandex). The revolutionary feature on these drawers is the netted pouch with a patented “soft lock” adjustment system. I’ve been wearing them every couple of weeks for six months, and now that hot temperatures and high humidity are upon thee in the northeast, I’m happiest to have them in my rotation.


There’s an inner line of fabric that is adjustable by a button on each out side of the hip. These small buttons are unnoticeable while wearing. Guys! you put them on carefully and find the right adjustment so that your family jewels are comfortably supported, then you keep the adjustment as is with the buttons. There is some counting involved. The design thoughtfully and structurally acknowledges male anatomy, and is light years ahead of some pitiful dollar store endcap tighty whiteys. Imagine a time when you experienced chafing of the thighs while walking, or underwear discomfort while exercising… chances are underwear like this may offer an antidote for that. You’ve got a smartphone now, why are you still wearing dumb underwear? I like the way they provide a little lift, and are in no way time consuming to put on or take off.

Inside-out Frigos

In my experiences, most boxer briefs are too short and/or without properly elasticized leg bottoms- they tend to inch up the thigh, leading to wedgie conditions. Longer legged boxers help against wedgies. The FRIGOs feature a 6″ inseam.  Along with elasticized leg openings, they also have a strip of silicone material going around the inner thigh that successfully serves to keep the boxer legs from creeping toward the crotch during long wear. The strap-pouch gets all the attention, but these “stay4sure” hem stabilizers are just as cool of a feature- a good step in the war against wedgies.

No ride-up hem


Comes in a VHS style box

Many underwear companies now incorporate some sort of pouch for the male package. How are things in the FRIGO Zone? Keep in mind that these are the entry-level FRIGO “2s”. Their top of the line product has similar construction, but uses pricier fabric. I’m intrigued enough by the design to where I’d invest in a pair of the “1s”. The company is still new, so has an open horizon to grow the line and dream up more innovations. My bros and I are definitely starting to be more accepting of newer underpant designs. Some Joe Sixpacks may balk at the $100 price tag on the FRIGO 1s, but a little math containing X amount of lousy underwear the average dude has probably bought or been gifted, it’s freaking worth it for the long haul. MLB star Derek Jeter, a big investor in the company, is retiring from baseball after this season and- who knows- might devote more energy to Revolutionwear. More visibility and more adoption lead to higher chances that your family or loved ones may buy you some as a gift. Good luck. 

Image from Freshpair.com
Image from Freshpair.com

I washed them a bunch, air-drying each time on a wooden rack. Aside from a few very small fabric pulls, and a stray thread or two, the sewing has kept together fine. I envision these lasting for years. They are a great choice for walking. Once you put on your favorite overwear, and everything starts to settle, they offer a pleasant machine-like feeling that promotes healthy completion of one’s day.

Popdiatry occasionally writes about other wearable gear in this feature called “Off The Path”