All Of The Shoes

BeckShoesBostonThis shoe ad was in a Boston Globe Newspaper from the early 1960s. Beck shoes had a couple shops in Massachusetts, and had fresh graphic arts that spoke to the forever young. 

Back in the day..
Back in the day..


 Eating while walking is certainly not a crime. Dripping sauce on yourself is a foul. Crumbs that may drop keep birds alive. Pret a Manger is not a bad place to get something quick to eat on-the-go in Manhattan. I ate-walked a half-sandwich from there the other day- had to take a quick picture of a poster they had advertising how their food is not made to last like shoes.


Remember these ?


Just a parting reminder 


Earl Anthony 8000s were said to be by Married With Children’s Al Bundy to be the world’s best bowling shoes.