November Pop Gallery

NovFredKicksDJ Freddy Blassie with some perfectly untied Nikes

NovBabyBootPenHolderWhy not use a baby Doc as a pen holder like Bleecker Street Records?

NovTimberlandBeltSprayedA leather belt I got for $14 at Marshalls is being sprayed with Meltonian #651 to match some very special shoes… Thanks East Village Shoe Repair.

NovArmyBootPromotionalBootHere at Popdiatry, we’ve been writing about the Berry Amendment, and the sense of having U.S. armed forces gear being domestically made. But I go to a store and see these cheap made-in-China boots branded by the US Army- with a dog tag?  I’m writing my congress person ASAP! These boots are hideous, and whoever OK’d this should be peeling potatoes.