Sneakerella: Date-Night for Shoe-Heads

We chuckled when Chosen Jacobs’ character (El) takes the cover off the car (see trailer below). This “modern twist on Cinderella” resembles the Cinder in name only and doesn’t take itself too seriously on the rella. If you’re in your 40s like me, do you get Clueless vibes at first watch? With winks and nods, it looks like thought went into portraying insidery elements of footwear-design, shop work, teen crushes, family drama, and even some media/celeb stuff. Effect-wise, the cartoon flourishes are Star Wars level, looks like it has a fantastic cast, NYC shots look mint (don’t cry for me pre-pandemic). If you’re a certified sneaker-lover with a Metrocard, dontcha kinda have to see this no matter your age?

It appears real life big brands exist in this toon-enhanced universe. We see Nike, Vans, adidas and more, but the fictional star kicks resemble if all the sneaker companies collaborated on the shoe version of a technicolor dreamcoat. IMDB tags it: comedy, family, musical. Would naming it something a little less on-the-nose strike this 40-something as a little less cheesy-at-first-site? Truth is it’s a wonder there hasn’t been a big budget Sneakerella before (like, sure it was someone’s tag somewhere), but Disney already had a thing for the little glass slipper, the bank to arrange multiple product-placements and the whizzes to imaginate a sneaker-verse as such. Sneakerella it is. Plus we love cheese. Drop date: Later this year

“Lace up and dream”